We recently spoke with a representative from the Kern County Fire Department about compliance for above ground fuel tanks, and we learned about some points of focus in addition to the information we have been providing here on our blog. Customers who uses our fuel delivery service have been very interested to learn more, so read on for more information.

1. You need to make sure a permit is pulled whenever you make improvements to an old tank, or purchase a new tank, for any tank larger than 100 gallons. The KCFD will permit the tank, while the Building Department will permit the foundation and electrical systems.

2. Citations from the KCFD do not come right off the bat. They are not planning to be heavy handed, but are looking to move businesses into compliance over time. If there is an issue with their initial inspection, they will provide a Notice of Violation which includes a timeline and due process for you to fix the issue. However, if they find a new tank or modification has been made without a permit, the contractor who did the work can be cited.

3. Mobile tanks are no exception and also must be permitted, including a list of locations where they will be used. Similarly, temporary tanks must be permitted with a location, which is good for 180 days.

4. The UL 2085 standard is more likely to be required in a commercial setting and near structures, as opposed to in construction or farm settings.

5. Tanks made for water, acids, corrosives, or below ground use cannot be repurposed for above ground fuel use. The tank must be UL certified.

6. If you got a permit at the time the tank was built, or the last time it was modified, the tank is approved for continued use for the duration of its useful life. However, for any new tanks or modifications of old tanks, a new permit based on current standards will be required.

A big thanks goes out to the Kern County Fire Department for providing clarification on these issues. Greg’s Petroleum strives to keep our customers informed about issues that are important to their businesses. We are knowledgeable on relevant issues in Bakersfield, Fresno, Ventura, and surrounding areas. If you are viewing this on a smart phone, click the phone button on the top right to give us a call. Otherwise, just dial 661-725-2078 and we will be happy to discuss.