Did you know that California is home to the only region where almonds are grown commercially in North America? We covered this topic in a recent blog. Today, we’re sharing additional news, information, and facts about the almond season this year.

In general, the local California almond growing season is between late February and the middle to end of March. Of course, that can vary based on the conditions from year to year. So, how were conditions this year? Here’s a wrap of the 2019 almond season.

Season and conditions: This year, California growers had to deal with stormy, wet weather conditions. Warm temperatures and sunny skies in early February accelerated an early bloom, but the bloom progressed slowly after rain moved in during mid-February. After the almond bloom peaked in late February, stormy, cooler conditions in early March brought the end of the season a bit early. In the first week of March, growers saw what is known as “petal fall” – when the blooms drop from the trees. Now, the white flowers of the bloom have given way to green leaves as crops progress.

Bee Thieves: Another factor growers dealt with this year was the theft of bee colonies. Bees are critical to pollinate crops, as they collect nectar from blooming trees and spread them between flowers. But this year, almond producers found themselves dealing with bee theft, which could lead to serious issues with crop production.

Facts and FAQs: Are you aware that 90 percent of almond producers are family-owned businesses? As we consider the California almond bloom conditions, it’s useful to put it into perspective by considering ‘big picture’ conditions. Additional facts: 80 percent of the world’s almonds are produced in California; and there are multiple different varieties of almonds, that can be used for different purposes. Growing different varieties helps with pollination, and produces almonds for lots of different uses, including snacking and in recipes.

Unique Considerations: Did you know that the California almond bloom draws tourism to the state? It’s true. Many guide books lay out how visitors can check out the “California Bloom Trail,” a 62-mile loop drive that takes motorists through spectacular views of the crops. While in bloom, the sight rivals the famous cherry blossom festival.

While the almond bloom is over, the growing season will last through the summer with the tail end of harvest finishing up in October.

We’re proud to serve our local almond growers, and agricultural producers! In an upcoming blog, we’ll explore more information about the close, mutually beneficial relationship between agricultural producers and the oil and gas industry.

And in the meantime, if you’re ever in need any additional information please don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at Greg’s Petroleum Service. As your commercial fuel delivery provider and lubricant supplier in Bakersfield, Fresno, San Luis Obispo, Santa Clarita or Ventura, California areas, we are available to help answer any questions you might have. Visit us online or give us a call to learn more.