In January and March of this year, we provided the latest information in regards to Kern County’s new above ground fuel tank regulations. Over the course of the last four months, even more changes have happened, so please read on for our latest update, especially if you are a customer of our commercial fuel delivery service.

The situation is still developing. As of today, the Kern County Fire Department is pushing for new regulations, while petroleum industry groups like CIOMA are pushing back in an effort to find a more reasonable, cost-effective solution.

Challenges being addressed. The main issue right now is trying to determine how regulations will be enforced, and during what time period inspections will be made or citations written. Based on CIOMA analysis, tanks that meet the UL 142 standard that are used by farms to store fuel are likely compliant, regardless of size. Construction tanks and temporary tanks should be OK as well. However, those points have yet to be confirmed by relevant authorities.

In addition, if it is confirmed that UL 142 will in fact be used as a base standard, then the question becomes how much time do tank owners have to make sure they are in compliance with the new regulations. For example, why should a tank that is safe and in good working condition have to be replaced if it could still be utilized for months or even years to come? In reality, it makes more sense to let tanks that are working properly to live out their lifespans. Purchasing new tanks that utilize “better” materials isn’t going to do anything except cost industry business owners extra cash.

Simple ways to protect yourself. To ensure you don’t run into any trouble, it’s important to keep all of your fuel tanks clean, free of leaks, and working in conjunction with a properly maintained electrical system. The Kern County Fire Department is currently in charge of citing tanks or alerting tank owners that are considered an “immediate threat”. The better you maintain your property, the better your chance of meeting guidelines and standards is.

Please Contact us today to discuss your individual situation.